SHUNSUKE MANAGI馬奈木 俊介九州大学主幹教授SHUNSUKE MANAGI馬奈木 俊介九州大学主幹教授
九州大学 工学研究院 主幹教授・都市研究センター長。日本学術会議 サステナブル投資小委員会 委員長。ESG統合指標化を推進。国連「新国富報告書2018」代表、国連「気候変動に関する政府間パネル(IPCC)」代表執筆者、国連「生物多様性及び生態系サービスに関する政府間科学政策プラットフォーム」(IPBES)統括代表執筆者、 OECD(経済協力開発機構 貿易・環境部会)副議長、2018年・世界環境資源経済学会共同議長 著書:『ESG経営の基礎』宣伝会議(近刊)、『持続可能なまちづくり―データで見る豊かさ』中央経済社
Shunsuke Managi is the Distinguished Professor of Technology and Policy & Director of Urban Institute at the Kyushu University, Japan. He has been awarded several national research grants on topics such as urbanization, transportation, energy, climate change, sustainability, and population change. He has received several research fellowships from organizations such as the Helmholtz Association and Cheney Senior Fellowship and has served as an expert on policy and technology assessment. He is a director for Inclusive Wealth Report 2018 (IWR 2018), a lead author for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a coordinating lead author for the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), a coordinating lead author UNESCO International Science and Evidence based Education Assessment, an editor of “Economics of Disasters and Climate Change”, “Environmental Economics and Policy Studies”.
KENJI FUMA夫馬 賢治株式会社ニューラル CEOKENJI FUMA夫馬 賢治株式会社ニューラル CEO
(株)ニューラルCEO。サステナビリティ経営・ESG投資アドバイザリー会社を2013年に創業し現職。東証一部上場企業大手や機関投資家を多数クライアントに持つ。ニュースサイト「Sustainable Japan」編集長。
著書『データでわかる 2030年 地球のすがた』(日本経済新聞出版)、『ESG思考』(講談社+α新書)他。Forbes、JBPress、現代ビジネスのオフィシャル・コラムニスト。
CNN、NHK、日本テレビ、テレビ東京、TBSラジオ、FM東京、J-Wave、FT、Washington Post、Economist、日本経済新聞、プレジデント等出演・取材多数。
国連大学、世界銀行、駐日EU代表部、外務省、自由民主党、立憲民主党、東京都、日本弁護士連合会、公認会計士協会、日本ファシリティマネジメント協会、中部産業連盟、鹿児島商工会議所、Responsible Investor Tokyo、World Fintech Summit、日経AG/SUM、アグリビジネス創出フェア、早稲田大学、青山学院大学、法政大学、高崎商科大学等での講演多数。
ハーバード大学大学院サステナビリティ専攻修士課程修了。サンダーバード・グローバル経営大学院MBA課程修了。東京大学教養学部国際関係論専攻卒。Kenji Fuma is a founder and CEO of Neural Inc, a strategy consulting firm in sustainability management and ESG investing, since 2013. As the world’s leading expert of responsible business and sustainable finance, Kenji is an advisory committee member for the Ministry of Environment, MAFF, and MHWL of Japan. He was also appointed as a member of the Socio-Economic Panel in the Hague International Space Governance Working.
Kenji has presented lectures on sustainable finance and sustainability management at the International Finance Corporation of the World Bank Group, at Delegation of the European Union to Japan, and in many industrial conferences, covering a variety of agendas from climate change and water stress to human rights, diversity & inclusion, cybersecurity, corruption, and corporate governance. He is also a distinguished contributor to FT, CNN, NHK, Washington Post, The Economist, Forbes, and Nikkei. He is also the author of “ESG Thinking”, and “Understanding with data how the Earth will be in 2030” (in Japanese). He is the editor-in-chief of the company’s digital news website, “Sustainable Japan.”
Kenji holds a Master of Liberal Arts in Sustainability from Harvard University, an MBA in Global Management from Thunderbird School of Global Management, and a Bachelor of Liberal Arts in International Relations from the University of Tokyo. -
KUMI FUJISAWA藤沢 久美シンクタンク・ソフィアバンク 代表KUMI FUJISAWA藤沢 久美シンクタンク・ソフィアバンク 代表
Kumi Fujisawa founded Japan’s first investment trust evaluation company in 1996 after working for several investment fund management companies. She sold the company to Standard & Poor’s in 1999 and joined Think Tank SophiaBank to incubate new social systems by fostering social entrepreneurs in 2000, has worked as a co-founder since 2003.
She was assigned as one of the Young Global Leaders in 2007 and the member of the Global Agenda Council in 2008 by World Economic Forum.
She is currently a committee member at several government ministries, a board member at some foundations such as Japan Securities Dealers Association and Japan Professional Football League etc. and an external board member at some public-listed companies such as Toyota Tsusho Corporation etc..
She is active in lecturing socially conscious investment strategies and management thorough publications, lectures, television and radio program “Kumi Fujisawa’s Shacho(Executive) Talk”. She has interviewed over 1000 leaders of corporations and ventures. She published more than 20 books on the topics of investment management and social entrepreneurial actions.