JACK SIMジャック・シム社会起業家JACK SIMジャック・シム社会起業家
シンガポールの社会起業家。不動産業などで成功を収めた後、40歳の時に社会起業家に転身。WTO(世界貿易機関)を意識したネーミングのWorld Toilet Organization(世界トイレ機関)を創設し、トイレの普及を訴えてきた。2013年の国連総会で11月19日を「世界トイレデー」に制定するよう提唱、満場一致で認められた。他にも貧困撲滅を目指すBoPハブなど多くの社会貢献事業を手がける。『TIME』誌が選ぶ環境ヒーロー賞など受賞歴多数。
Jack Sim is a social entrepreneur in Singapore. At age 40, he attained financial independence and retired from business to devote full time as social entrepreneur.He founded the World Toilet Organization named after WTO(World Trade Organization) to spread toilets. In 2013, He created the UN World Toilet Day 19 November unanimously adopted by all 193 countries of the UN General Assembly. He is also working on many social enterprises such as BoP HUB which aims to end poverty and hunger.He has since won many accolades such as being named one of the Heroes of the Environment for 2008 by Time magazine.